
Here we take DayZ PVP to the next level.

Hypoxia Ruleset

All tutorials for different Mods and features can be located here: https://discord.com/channels/1291863590650908723/1334283084530716732

Any Direct support needs can be answered by admins directly here: https://discord.com/channels/1291863590650908723/1298118704521023498

2.1 Combat Logging – Logging out within 10 minutes after the last combat interaction is prohibited. A player is considered in combat once they hit another player or are shot at. If you disconnect unintentionally, it's your responsibility to reconnect as soon as possible and notify admins through a ticket. Failing to do so will be considered combat logging.

2.2 Meta Gaming – Sharing exact player positions, base locations, or details about ongoing PVP is strictly forbidden. If you call out your own base during a raid to attract counters it will result in a ban for you and your team.

2.3 Logging Near Key card Rooms – Logging out in a key card room is not allowed. If you are stuck during a restart, please log in and leave the area if you intend to log out.

2.5 No Third-Party Software – Using any third-party software is strictly prohibited and will result in a ban for you and your team. Crosshairs, ReShade, and Nvidia Filters are allowed.

2.6 Bug Exploitation – Exploiting bugs for personal advantage (e.g., glitching, vortexing, ice-sliding, moonwalking) is strictly forbidden. 2.7 Spamming – Spamming in voice or text chat will result in a mute.

2.8 Loot Cycling – Loot cycling is prohibited. DayZ loot pools need loot to be picked up or destroyed to spawn other loot. If you place the items back on the ground, the engine still counts it as spawned loot.

2.9 Language Policy – Only English is allowed in the Global in-game chat and all Discord channels.

2.10 Cheating Reports – Suspected cheaters should be reported through tickets. Do not accuse hackers in-game or in any Discord chat.

2.11 Alternate Accounts – Alt accounts are not allowed

2.12 CF Tools Access – Players with access to CF Tools are not allowed to use them against other players

2.13 Toxicity - Racism/Hate speech/homophobia in any manner results in a ban.

3.1 Base Placement Restrictions – Bases must not block roads.

3.2 Base Size limits - Bases must be a maximum of 5h x 5w x 5floors in size when free built or 2 walls in height above the top of any vanilla structure. Anything built beyond 2 floors out from a structure must be supported.

3.3 Raid Path Requirement – Every base must have at least 1 entrance that's raidable and accessible by foot at all times.

3.4 Flag Limit – Each group is permitted a maximum of 1 territory flag.

3.5 Door Limit – Groups may have up to 8 doors total. Hangar doors are NOT raidable and cannot be used as doors in your raid path.

3.6 Animation Abuse - You may not have your raid path force players into animations like crouching/going prone/ or any method that does not allow the ability to shoot back. Raiding Rules

3.7 Barbed Wire Usage – Forcing raiders through barbed wire is not allowed.

3.8 Peek Rules – Toe-peeks, waist-peeks, and one-way peeks are prohibited. All peeks must be eye level or unobstructed BBP windows.

3.9 Building During Raids – You are not allowed to build during raids until 30 minutes after the last C4 explosion. Logging out during this period will be considered combat logging if you have taken damage.

3.10 Animation Abuse – Forcing players into prone, crouch, or any other animation during a raid or defence is prohibited.

3.11 Walkway Requirements – Walkways must be wide enough to accommodate two players side-by-side. Narrow passageways are not allowed.

3.12 Blocking Entry Points – You cannot block access to base doors with immovable objects or vehicles. Blocking tents, sheds, storage, or vaults with doors is also prohibited.

3.13 Door/Gate Separation – Doors and gates must be separated by at least half a wall length. Stacking doors or gates directly in front of each other is not allowed.

3.14 Animation Abuse - You may not have your raid path force players into animations like crouching/going prone/ or any method that does not allow the ability to shoot back.

3.15 Storage Limit - As follows: -

1 Gearstand OR Gearstand Case per person

-2 Safes per person.

-3 Greenhouses, regular or Large per group.

-Three Pallet Storages per group.

-One Locker type per person. You may have 1 Solo Locker or 1 Military locker or 1 Fourdoor Locker, etc.

-3 Gunwalls Per group.

-2 Fridges per group

-1 Tent Per Person. Any Kind.

-2 Big Container Crates per group.

-1 Gunrack of any type per person

-1 GunCase of any type per person.

4.1 C4 Raiding – C4 raiding is allowed only on weekends, from 6:00 PM EST Friday until 6:00 PM EST Sunday. (The times displayed will be in your own timezone)

4.2 Eco Raiding – Eco raiding (such as jumping into bases, soft-siding) is allowed 24/7. However, hard glitching is prohibited.

4.3 Boosting – Boosting is permitted up to 3 players. You may boost using vehicles. You may not use a heli to raid, for example standing on top or glitching through windows.

4.5 Dismantling – Dismantling walls or lowering flags to obtain materials is considered griefing and is not allowed.

4.6 Logging Out During Raids – Logging out while being raided is prohibited. Defenders must wait 30 minutes after the last C4 explosion or door dismantling before logging out.

4.7 Raid Recording – Raiders must record all raids, including soft-side raids.

4.8 Popcorning Loot – Dumping loot from storage onto the floor (popcorning) is not allowed. Loot must be moved to other storage or taken. 4.9 Code locking Bases – Adding a codelock to another team's base or territory is prohibited.

4.10 Helicopters and Raiding – Placing C4 while in or on the helicopter or crawling/jumping into windows from the helicopter is prohibited. You ARE allowed to land on the roof.

4.11 Base Takeover – No base takeovers unless the owner group has left the server, please make a ticket before taking over a base.

4.12 Destroying Loot – Intentionally destroying your own loot during a raid is prohibited.

4.13 Flagpole – Dismantling someone else's Flagpole is not allowed

5.1 Max Group Size – The maximum group size is 6 players online at any given time.

5.2 Team Swapping During Raids – You are not allowed to swap team members during a raid, whether you are defending or attacking. This also goes for active combat situations.

5.3 Trading with Other Groups – Trading with other groups is allowed, but it is done at your own risk.

5.4 Teaming – Teaming with players who are outside your group is strictly prohibited.

These rules, along with No Build Zone locations, can be found on discord here: https://discord.com/channels/1291863590650908723/1334282975692455976